Financial sector
The financial sector facilitates the flow of capital between the entities with surplus funds and those in need of funding. The circulation of funds in the financial system can be done through the banking system or the financial market, on which companies issue securities. According to the National Bank of Poland, the macroeconomic situation in Poland in recent years created favourable conditions for the stable development of the financial system. In Poland there are several dozen commercial banks, including about 30 branches of lending institutions. It is the banking sector that continues to play a major role in the financial system. At the same time almost all types of financial institutions noted an increase in value of their assets. Periodical decreases were noted only in value of capital held in investment funds. As for the Polish capital market, in which companies issue securities, it still remains the largest in the region, both in terms of capitalization as well as in number of listed companies. From year to year the number of companies listed on the Warsaw Stock Exchange increases (currently there are about 490, and their capitalization amounts nearly to PLN 1,100 billion). On the NewConnect unregulated market there are currently about 420 companies listed with capitalization of more than PLN 8 billion.