Warsaw office

Pin+48 22 101 20 01

Katowice office

Pin+48 32 205 02 85

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CSWP in media

Your e-PIT is an introduced service of preparing the annual PIT returns for those taxpayers ....

CSWP financial and tax advisor to Intonation Ltd.

We are pleased to announce that CSWP Transaction Services team was the financial and tax advisor to Intonation Ltd.

CSWP kayaking 2018

In August 2018, CSWP team went kayaking on Wkra river to relax from work.

CSWP ranked 10th best audit company by Rzeczypospolita and Parkiet

We are delighted to announce that our company was ranked 10th in "Rzeczpospolita" auditor's ranking in main category "The best audit company in 2017"

CSWP Running Team in OSHEE 2018 Run

CSWP Running Team once again participated in OSHEE Run. The distance was 10 km.